文章來源:www.cgpv.cn 發布時間:2023-01-10 10:55:09 瀏覽次數:746
液壓升降機的泵輪由發動機驅動旋轉,推動液體隨泵輪一起繞其軸線旋轉, 使其獲得一定的速度和壓力,其速度決定于泵輪的半徑和轉速。液壓油靠動能沖向渦輪,作用于葉片一個推力,推動渦輪一起旋轉,渦輪獲得一定轉矩,少部分液體動能在高速流動中與流道摩擦生熱被消耗。導輪固定,液體流經時無機械能轉化,由于導輪葉片形態變化(進出口葉片面積不等、液流速度和方向發生變化,其動量矩改變。動量矩變化取決于葉片面積的變化。 渦輪轉速隨外界負荷的不同而變化,液流沖擊葉片的方向和速度亦隨之變化。以上就是升降機上升運動的過程。
Jinan hydraulic lift pump wheel rotated by the engine, push the liquid along with the pump wheel about its axis of rotation, so get some speed and pressure, and the speed depends on the radius and speed of the pump wheel. By momentum toward the turbine hydraulic oil, a force acting on the blades, the turbines rotate together, get some turbo torque, a small part of the liquid flow at high kinetic energy is consumed with the flow channel friction and heat. Guide wheel fixed, no mechanical energy into the liquid flows through, because the morphological changes of the stator blades (leaf area ranging import and export, flow speed and direction changes, its moment of momentum change. Moment of momentum change depending on changes in leaf area. Turbine speed varies with the external load varies, the direction and speed of flow also changes the impact of the blade. above is lift upward motion process.
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